Mee Mee Baby Gentle soft Moisturing Wet Wipes

₹268 ₹645 CHECK PRICE
Price accurate as of October 7, 2023, 20:09 IST. It may be subject to change after the deal is published. The information displayed on the seller's site at the time of purchase will be applicable

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About Mee Mee Baby Gentle soft Moisturing Wet Wipes

  • Mee Mee Baby Wipes: Discover our exclusive combo offers tailored for babies, featuring gentle and effective wet wipes that leave your baby’s skin feeling fresh and clean. Each pack comes with a secure lid, ensuring long-lasting freshness for your little one’s delicate skin.
  • Gentle and Safe: Mee Mee baby wipes are specially designed for newborns and infants, made with soft tissues that are perfect for cleaning your baby’s face and body. Our wipes are free from harmful chemicals, providing a gentle touch for your baby’s sensitive skin.
  • Fresh and Convenient: Experience the joy of hassle-free cleaning with Mee Mee baby wipes. Our wipes are infused with a delightful fragrance that keeps your baby feeling fresh and happy throughout the day, making diaper changes and messes a breeze.
  • All-in-One Cleansing: With Mee Mee baby wipes, you get the perfect all-in-one solution for your baby’s hygiene needs. From diaper changes to wiping messy hands and face, these wipes are your go-to companion for maintaining cleanliness on-the-go.
  • Trusted Brand: Mee Mee is a well-known and reliable brand, loved by parents worldwide for its commitment to quality and safety. Our baby wipes are dermatologically tested and crafted with care, ensuring your baby gets the best in skincare with every use.

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Mee Mee Baby Gentle soft Moisturing Wet Wipes
Mee Mee Baby Gentle soft Moisturing Wet Wipes
₹268 ₹645
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