Watch your Tea Leaves Brew in Style with Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger – 750ml

Watch your Tea Leaves Brew in Style with Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger - 750ml

Buy at Rs. 399 (47% OFF). This Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger – 750ml offer is available at

Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger – 750ml Review

Tea Infuser review on amazon is good. Out of 5 stars the product has scored 3.8 from 867 customer reviews on the Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger which is excellent. (updated on 27 Jan 2023)

The Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger is a must-have for tea lovers. This elegant tea maker lets you steep tea in the easiest way possible, making it perfect for those who love to enjoy a cup of tea at home or at the office.

One of the best features of this tea infuser is the 47% off deal available on Amazon, where you can buy it for just Rs. 399. That’s a steal for a high quality tea infuser like this one.

The clear Borosilicate glass carafe of the Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser enables you to watch your tea leaves brew, adding an element of elegance to the tea making process. Additionally, it is spill proof and rust proof, which means you don’t have to worry about any messes or damage to the infuser.

The Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger is incredibly easy to use. Simply place black or green tea leaves inside the steel mesh, pour boiling water that is slightly cooled to 9 to 95 C, and allow the tea to steep to the desired level. Once done, simply push the plunger down to stop further extraction and enjoy your tea for as long as you wish.

The infuser is made of glass and the infuser itself is made of stainless steel. It has a capacity of 750ml (or 4 cups) which is perfect for small family or for personal use.

This suggests, the Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger is a great investment for tea lovers. Its elegant design, ease of use, and affordable price make it a great addition to any kitchen. So don’t wait any longer and get your hands on one today!

About Wonderchef Piccolo Glass Tea Infuser with Plunger – 750ml

How to buy Tea Infuser online ?

What is the purpose of a tea infuser?

A tea infuser is a small device used to steep loose leaf tea in a cup or pot of hot water. It typically consists of a mesh or perforated metal or plastic container that holds the loose tea leaves, and a handle or chain that allows the infuser to be easily removed from the cup or pot once the tea has reached the desired strength. The purpose of a tea infuser is to keep the loose tea leaves contained while allowing the hot water to come into contact with them, extracting the flavorful compounds from the leaves and creating a delicious cup of tea. It also makes it easy to remove the leaves from the cup or pot after steeping, avoiding over steeping and making the tea bitter.

Should you use a tea bag or tea infuser?

Whether to use a tea bag or a tea infuser is a matter of personal preference. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Tea bags are convenient and easy to use, as they typically come pre-packaged with the tea leaves already inside. They are also great for travel or for on-the-go situations. However, the tea leaves used in tea bags are often of lower quality and have been broken down into smaller pieces, which can result in a less flavorful cup of tea.
Tea infusers, on the other hand, allow you to use loose leaf tea, which is generally considered to be of higher quality and more flavorful than tea bags. Loose leaf tea also allows for more control over the steeping time and temperature, resulting in a more customizable tea-drinking experience. However, tea infusers can be a bit messier to use and clean up than tea bags.
Ultimately, the choice between a tea bag and a tea infuser will depend on your personal preference, the tea you choose, and the type of brewing equipment you have.

How long should you infuse tea?

The steeping time for tea can vary depending on the type of tea and the desired strength. Here are some general guidelines for steeping times for different types of tea:
Black tea: 3-5 minutes
Oolong tea: 3-5 minutes
Green tea: 2-3 minutes
White tea: 2-3 minutes
Herbal tea: 5-7 minutes

It’s worth noting that steeping times are just a general guide and it’s best to start with the lowest steeping time and taste the tea to see if it needs to be steeped for longer. Also, the temperature of the water and the quality of the leaves also affect steeping time. For example, high-quality leaves may only need a shorter steeping time. Over steeping can make the tea bitter so it’s important to keep an eye on the time and taste the tea to achieve the desired strength.
It’s also important to note that steeping time can be adjusted to your personal taste, some people prefer a stronger cup of tea and some prefer a milder one.

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